Word art
Word art

word art

The outer-most limits or boundary of the picture plane. The combination of the basic elements of line, shape, value, texture, space, and color represent the visual language of the artist. AsymmetricalĪ form of balance attained when the visual units on balance either side of a vertical axis are not identical but are placed in positions within the picture plane so as to create a “felt” equilibrium of the total form concept. SymmetricalĪ form of balance achieved by the use of identical balance compositional units on either side of a vertical axis within the picture plane. RealismĪ form of expression which retains the basic impression of visual reality but, in addition, attempts to relate and interpret the universal meanings which lie underneath the surface appearance of natural forms.Ī feeling of equality in weight, attention, or attraction of the various visual elements within the pictorial field as a means of accomplishing organic unity. It refers to the sensory, psychological or emotional properties that one tends to “feel” in a work of art as opposed to the perception of mere descriptive aspects. The essential meaning, significance, or aesthetic value of an art form. The elements of form are: lines, shapes, values (varied lights and darks), textures, and colors Content Form is the organization (design) of all elements that make up the work of art. The arbitrary organization or inventive arrangement of all of the visual elements in an attempt to develop a unity in the total work of art. It may also mean artist’s expressive use of media to give an individual character to his work.

word art

The specific artistic character and dominant form trends noted in art movements. In this case, it has little to do with anything as experienced in the natural environment. In abstract and nonobjective forms of art, it refers to the basic character of all the visual signs employed by the artist. This term, in a descriptive style of art, refers to the persons or things represented in a work. NonobjectiveĪ term given to a work of art that has no recognizable subject matter. It is a study of these emotions involving the psychology, sociology, and philosophy of art.

word art

AestheticsĪ term used in regard to the quality or sensation of pleasure, enjoyment, disturbance, or meaning people can experience in viewing works of art. Often there is little resemblance to the original object. Usually forms are simplified or rearranged to suit the needs of artistic expression. AbstractĪ term given to forms created by the artist but usually derived from objects actually observed or experienced. The approach to art in which the forms used by the artist are essentially descriptive of things that the artist sees.

#Word art manual

CraftsmanshipĪptitude, skill, or manual dexterity in the use of tools and materials. The manner and skill in which the artist uses tools and materials to achieve an expressive effect. The materials and tools used by the artist to create a work of art. General Terms Commonly Used In Art Media/Medium

Word art